Saturday, September 10, 2011

Swim For Health

Mum and I have been hitting the pool lately - very early in the morning at the crack of dawn-thirty in order to avoid the mid-day crowd of pool socialites. We are focusing on the healthful benefits of swimming laps, underwater kicking and arm exercises and dog-paddling (some of us do not like to get our hair wet). It's very peaceful to swim in the early mornings, watching the birds and the pretty sunrises. I may even break one of my cardinal rules and post a picture of me in a bathing suit:

Hahaha. I believe this is 1953 or 54, probably Townsends Inlet, NJ. I don't know if this was taken before or after I tried to eat the dead seagull. Frankly, I don't believe that story at all; but really, what mother doesn't bring crackers or something to the beach for her kid to snack on?? --cds

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