Sunday, November 30, 2014

Garment Knitting

It's been a while since I've attempted any knitting other than socks or mittens.  I had a knitting meltdown a few years ago while trying to seam together sleeves and sides on a sweater for me.  It was awful -- lumpy, uneven seams; too much bulk in the armpits.  Just awful.  I hated it and finally threw it in the Goodwill bag.  Hopefully someone was able to reuse the yarn -- it was nice, brown wool. 

With some misgivings, I decided to knit Ruthanne a sweater for school.  She attends Christ the King Pre-School, wears a uniform, and needed a plain black cardigan.  I was determined to face my fear of seams.  Don't you just love pre-school pictures?

Whoops!  Here is cutie-pie Marcus leaning over the car seat.  I am putty when he turns those big brown eyes my way.

So, the sweater.  I studied and studied various knitting tutorials on the internet and, ta-da!  This is a pretty smooth, almost invisible woven side seam. 


 Even the underarm is fairly neat.

I am happy.  Now, buttonholes are a whole other issue.  I'm taking the finished-except-for-buttonholes to the hospital with me tomorrow while my Mom gets her new knee. 

I'll keep y'all posted on the new knee.  We're optimistic!  And only a little nervous.  --cds

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