Friday, January 9, 2015

Knitting and Sewing Therapy

Nothing like portable knitting and sewing projects to keep idle hands and brains busy during stressful times.  I feel a little sorry for people in waiting rooms who just sit and stare at TVs or continually swipe the teensy screens on phones.  I completed an entire knitted sock while waiting for my Mom on her knee replacement surgery day.  She is doing fabulous, by the way -- five weeks since surgery day and she's walking around great, a little slower and rests more often, but still plowing through her physical therapy sessions with high marks.  82 years old, people.  82 is the new 40, apparently. She's come a long way - we took a photo of her post-surgery knee when it looked like a ham (I won't share that one, don't worry), but now she doesn't even have all that much of a scar -- high stitchery marks to her doctor.

So, the knitting/sewing projects:

Marcus needed a little stuffed toy (not that they don't own a million already), but a handmade one,

because I was sew up this little kitty family for his sister Ruthanne.

Ruthie just loves playing "baby dolls" and changing their clothes, so when I found this really easy pattern for cat/kittens with clothes, I decided to make her a family with easy on/easy off clothing.

I had to improvise the DadCat's outfits because the pattern only included dresses.  Not too bad, huh?

I measured her poor naked baby doll when we were in Vermont in October and hopefully found a pattern of clothing that will fit the baby.  I tend to get a little fussy even making doll clothes and have to force myself to remember that Roo is only 4 and doesn't really care if the jacket is properly lined. 

So these were fun, and now my Utah girlies have put in orders for knitted tigers and mermaids and ballerinas.  All good -- thank God for grandkids. --cds

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