Sunday, November 30, 2014

Garment Knitting

It's been a while since I've attempted any knitting other than socks or mittens.  I had a knitting meltdown a few years ago while trying to seam together sleeves and sides on a sweater for me.  It was awful -- lumpy, uneven seams; too much bulk in the armpits.  Just awful.  I hated it and finally threw it in the Goodwill bag.  Hopefully someone was able to reuse the yarn -- it was nice, brown wool. 

With some misgivings, I decided to knit Ruthanne a sweater for school.  She attends Christ the King Pre-School, wears a uniform, and needed a plain black cardigan.  I was determined to face my fear of seams.  Don't you just love pre-school pictures?

Whoops!  Here is cutie-pie Marcus leaning over the car seat.  I am putty when he turns those big brown eyes my way.

So, the sweater.  I studied and studied various knitting tutorials on the internet and, ta-da!  This is a pretty smooth, almost invisible woven side seam. 


 Even the underarm is fairly neat.

I am happy.  Now, buttonholes are a whole other issue.  I'm taking the finished-except-for-buttonholes to the hospital with me tomorrow while my Mom gets her new knee. 

I'll keep y'all posted on the new knee.  We're optimistic!  And only a little nervous.  --cds

Friday, November 28, 2014

Oh, It's Christmas!

Well, yes, it is the kick-off of the Christmas Season, I suppose.  But my delight today stems from the occurrence of two of my favorite things.  The first was not unexpected, of course, but nothing beats waking up and watching the early morning news and footage of a good Black Friday store fight.  A Fort Worth area Walmart had the best, in my opinion, with a free-for-all over Blue-Ray players.  I always hear about Black Friday store fights and think, "only in America," but apparently, according to the BBC, Black Friday brawls occurred in England today as well.  Copycats.

Second (and best), tonight's evening news included a report on yet another Tampa Bay area mystery monkey sighting - if you are keeping count (and I am!), that is the third mystery monkey sighting in the five years I've been living in Central Florida.  Like I said, Christmas.

Also, I've been knitting.  Pictures tomorrow of a new sweater for little Miss Ruthanne.  --cds

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