Saturday, September 13, 2014

Insects Again, I Guess

So I've had this Bird of Paradise bush for about five years now, first in a pot, then planted next to the house.  It never bloomed - until just this past month, apparently.  Notice the big chew holes in the leaves.  I haven't seen what is eating it.  However.....

Take a look-see at this cocoon, or whatever it is. 

Now there is some architecture to that sucker!  Looks like it's made of tiny sawed-off sticks, not more than 1/4 inch long.

I was brave (though you'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now) and Googled cocoons and came up with (possibly) a bagworm cocoon (???) that turns into some sort of moth.  I'm not sure.  I can't look at any more pictures online -- too many ookie, gooey, slimey worm stuff; I'm just not down with the whole metamorphosis thing.  Worms are worms and they are gross.

Oh yeah, there are about four of these things hanging in the shrubbery.  If anyone knows what they will turn into, please let me know.  In the meantime, I'll be sending out my haz-mat suit to the dry-cleaners.  --cds

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