Monday, March 17, 2014

Blue Flowers

Some basic blue flower shapes.

I intend to embroider and embellish the heck out of these flowers. Love the handstitching.

It is raining so hard right now with 50 mph wind gusts - rather frightening, actually.  Our street is a river.  I'm thinking about shooting Noah a text - Raining like hell (sorry) all-get-out here. Toss the monkeys and armadillos o/b and pick us up on your way to Ararat. Love, C, J and LoLo

What do you think about the new Noah movie? I love a good disaster flick and Russell Crowe does make a mighty fine seafarer.  Speaking of Crowe, I  read all those Patrick O'Brien books a long, long time ago and when Master and Commander was being made into a movie I remember thinking - yikes! who knew that Russell Crowe was Capt. Jack Aubrey?  I reread, of course.  Don't judge me! I couldn't care less if an actor is a douche in real life, long as they look nice on screen (or in boats).

Speaking of movies,  I must be seeing The Grand Budapest Hotel, if only to watch Tilda Swinton as Madame D. in full-on old lady make-up.  Looks like my kind of movie, madcap and crazy.  I mean how can you pass up a movie with such scenes as prisoners carefully dividing up a delicious pastry with a throat-slitter.  --cds

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