Monday, March 3, 2014

Baby Quilt

I am breezing through the unfinished project basket like nobody's business.  Here is another baby-size quilt all done.

These are crappy pictures, my apologies.  I took 'em with my phone outdoors in the really really bright sunshine and the colors are really off.  The background is straight-up white, but the backing is a cute duck pattern in beige.  It is machine-pieced and machine-appliqued, but I hand-quilted it because sometimes I just need to hand-quilt.

I had no particular baby in mind when I started this (a number of years ago), I just had a collection of very cute repro-vintage baby fabrics.  So, how about this.  I will give this quilt to the first family member who has a baby in the next nine months.  Not a baby puppy.  A real baby.  Okay?  So, get ready, get set, GO!  NO!!!  Wait, wait, WAIT!!!  At least let me sign off first.  Sheesh.  Okay, go.

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