Sunday, August 11, 2013


With a brief overnight in New Jersey, we drove on up to Vermont, crossing Lake Champlain via ferry.

Scanning the water for the Lake Champlain Monster.

Oldest granddaughter Isabella playing with youngest grandson Marcus.

High-tech girlies.

But Ruthanne still loves low-tech playtime as well.  While we were relaxing on the deck, she disappeared into her swingset/playloft and came back down with a bucketful of mud for mud-pie making.

And the dress washed up beautifully, by the way.  As did the child.

Bathtime, in fact, was always fun, loud and splashy -- silly-hair-girlies.

We took a morning to visit the Ben & Jerry's factory.

School playground fun.

And best of all, we were able to gather at our dear friends' home in Charlotte for a rather rainy day BBQ.

Evie and Jaycee - Kaye Ellen's daughter.

We sort of forced Kaye's son Kenneth to hold Marcus so we could get a shot of  "the boys." I think Kenneth was afraid he'd get leaked on or something.

Some of the big kids:  Sarah, Josh, Kaye and Adam (Sarah's husband).

Bella, Kenneth, Evie and Jaycee.

Last time these kids were together (Josh and Stephanie's wedding), they looked like this:

Evie was only 4 months old.

The week went by all too quickly, of course.  I'm already planning another gathering, here in Florida perhaps.  --cds

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