Saturday, May 18, 2013

As Promised...

Grandkid update photos!

The Utah girlies attended a wedding yesterday, Randi's next-to-youngest brother Michael got married.  My girls look so sweet and grown up.  Such a nice family shot.

Oh yes, do check out the footwear below; they are their mother's girls, very stylish!

Three generations of lovely Utah women - left to right, Randi's sister Tessa, her daughter Olivia, Randi's mom Becky is holding Evie, Isabella and Randi.

Evie and Uncle Nate, Randi's oldest brother:

The Utah-ers will be here in Florida in three weeks -- yay!  Grandpa and I are moving into exercise-mode in the (probably vain) hope that we'll be able to keep up with them.

And our Vermont babies:

A couple of pix from March, I believe.

From our most recent trip earlier this month - Marcus in his camo sweats:

Ruthanne did a lot of earth moving.  The weather was fabulous during our whole visit.

Ruthie also loves role-playing - reminds me of the hours I spent with Isabella on this deck while she was a beautiful princess and I was either a handsome prince or scarey dragon, witch, or mean stepmother (I NEVER got to be the beautiful princess).  Here Ruthanne is a Kitty-Mom (love the beads, huh?).

She buckled her baby in this stroller every-single-time.  Such a good parent.

Picking flowers for the baby.  The forsythia was in beautiful bloom while we were there, but we just missed seeing the lilacs - they were still in a tight bud.

Do not despair.  I'll have more pictures up again soon. But before I go, a Happy Birthday to MY baby, Joshua, 32 years young today (yikes).


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