Sunday, September 2, 2012

Minnie Dress

As in a Ms. Mouse style dress, and bloomers. The real Minnie Mouse wears polka-dot bloomers, too.

Ms. Ruthanne is a big Minnie fan so I am having such a good time constructing this dress. 
There was a time in my life when I despised garment sewing - nothing ever fit and messy seams  were just left as messy seams.  But now I really really love it and I've figured out why.  The answer is leisure time (and a good sewing machine).  I've been able to devote my whole day to stitching this up, interrupting myself only for lunch and tea.  It certainly would help if I had the actual toddler-person right here with me for measurement sake, but then I wouldn't have leisure time, would I?

Next up is a Snow White dress for Halloween.  I feel I've come a long way since the year when Josh was 3 years old and I made him a crow outfit out of black fake fur (Jamie was a scarecrow).  So pitiful.  --cds

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