Saturday, March 3, 2012

Porch Sittin'

As soon as the sun comes up a bit more I'll try to snap a photo of our newly screened-in front porch.  I'm sitting out here with coffee beside me, listening to crickets and the birds waking up and once in a while a far-off car on Old Dixie Highway that runs a couple miles behind us, and that's it.  Also there's a breeze rattling the palm branches of the trees in front of our house - one of my favorite Florida sounds.

A sound that rather freaks me out, however, comes from the osprey that circles high above me when I'm swimming laps just before dawn.  It has a nest on the light pole just above the tennis courts, so I know it's probably just patroling the perimeter of its territory, but I feel as though he's thinking I look like a nice fat old grouper slowly moving in the water far below and would make a tasty breakfast for his osprey babies.  Things to worry about when swimming with your face in the water.  --cds

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