Friday, January 13, 2012

Catching Up

The Grim Death Plague has tag-teamed its way through our abode this past week, but we are finally revived, eating normally, and back to a more natural skin tone (not pale green).  Overnight temperatures have been 40's, 50's - in fact there was a bit of frost two nights, but the days warm up nicely.  That means, however, early morning swimming has been out of the question.  I'm not that tough. 

I did get a batch of recent Ruthanne pictures.  She apparently has decided to become a circus performer.  Here she is practicing her acrobatic horse-riding:


And she does impressions.  This is Julia Child - "First, you place your Ruthie in the stewpot."

Here is her impression of Daddy, in Daddy's chair, with Daddy's remote:

And her impression of Mommy talking on the phone, probably discussing the laundry.

So cute.  I have to collect updated pics from the Utah girlies.  They've had a busy holiday season with Utah family, but I believe there are some recent dance recital photos floating about.  I'm on the job. --cds

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