Wednesday, August 10, 2011


1. The sky this morning is so interesting. Yesterday's storm is exiting to the east and leaving flat swirly lavender/peach clouds in its wake. And already coming in from the west are piles of tall white ice cream cone clouds that will be today's thunderstorms. I never get tired of skywatching here in Florida.

2. I'm hand-quilting parts of the baby quilt and that reminds me how much I love hand-stitching. On my desert island, my survival kit would have to include needle, thread and cloth. And Cheetos.

3. I am working furiously behind the scenes on a plan to get all my children here in October for a visit. Vermonters and Utah-ers (??) in Florida. At the same time. Granddaughters all over the place. I'll do it, never fear.

4. I like list-making. It helps me to focus, which I've been having trouble doing lately. I know that the answer to that is more exercise and I am considering early morning swimming. I'll keep you posted. I've never been a good lap swimmer (tho I would dearly love to learn how to do one of those cool underwater flip turns).

5. Enough list-making. Time for more coffee. And it is thundering already.


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