Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Big Day For The Golf Guy

Golf is a big deal here in Retirement Land. We live in a Golf and Country Club Community. We have had a stray golf ball bounce off our roof and land in the grass across the street. Tee times scroll across our TV screen. James plays nearly every single day. So I guess it was only a matter of time - yesterday he called me from the sixth hole to excitedly announce that he'd just hit a hole-in-one. A pretty big deal for golfer-guys. James is also the new president of the men's league here, so he has a LOT of golf-friends and that meant a LOT of beers to buy at the clubhouse (a stupid tradition that the hole-in-one-getter has to buy for everyone else - shouldn't it be the other way around? 'Course, that would be bad for one's health, I guess, in more ways than one).

I've been searching through my photos and I don't have any pictures of the golf course here or any of Jim's golf friends, so I'm posting a couple pix of my very favorite golfers -- these were taken at the mini-golf course at Disney back in 2008 when Josh and Stephanie were visiting:

And the winners of My Favorite People in a Golf Cart category:


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