Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hanging Out in Vermont

Though Florida will be our year-round residence, we are currently back in Vermont for the summer tending to some unfinished move-related business. This would be fine and dandy except that my stuff is in Florida and I am here. It's driving me crazy. I did bring along my sewing machine and some basic supplies, but a girl can't be expected to function normally when separated from her fabric stash. I mean, really.

Before we left I was happily hand-dyeing yards of cotton and I did bring a tote full of that, all fused up and ready to cut-and-paste, along with easily portable beads and embroidery threads. A while ago I had taken a couple of Laura Wasilowski classes at the Vermont Quilt Festival and fell for that color-rich/fusing technique. Here is my finished class sample - pix may be clicked upon for close-ups:

And so, in order to put a positive spin on this little hiatus from our real retirement, I'm planning to create a little something new each day using my tote full of colors. I have some ideas I want to fool around with so I'll be making little 12 x 12 inch experiments to keep me busy and not so cranky. Here is Day One:

I love the green strips - looks a little watercolor-y - but not so much the blues - those fabrics are too solid-colored to suit me. I do prefer the look of outlining flowers and other shapes - especially maybe with black? --cds

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