Monday, May 25, 2009

Intro to New Blog

Bio in 30 seconds or less: raised in South Jersey, '52, farm kid, chubby, pigtails, play-play, brothers, cousins, school, plaid dresses, Nancy Drew, seashore, Maine woods, baton twirling (!), parades, football games, skiing, to Vermont for college - stayed to marry The Vermont Boy, two kids (boys :: anxiety), work, sports, friends, vacations, finish B.A., general busy-ness, sad stuff, more anxiety only taller now, finally weddings (daughters-in-law :: ahhhh), granddaughters, early retirement, Florida, freedom to relax, read, write, and create stuff . . . and then there's always the anxiety. --cdsBecause Sally Starr always believed that nothing completed a good cowgirl outfit like a tiara and a kicky silver clutch.

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