Monday, April 16, 2018


My,  what a fine blue and green day it is.  That phrase just popped into my head today -- I've read it before somewhere -- and it perfectly describes our weather.  After yesterday's line of windy, rainy thunderstorms blew through, knocking out our power for a bit, we woke up to a breezy, cool, sunny and bright as all get-out morning.  Shiny grass-green palm fronds waving against a bluebonnet sky are making me happy today.  'Course I believe I was thinking pretty much the same thoughts last evening, sitting here on the porch and watching charcoal-colored clouds race west to east and thinking how silvery and ominous palm branches look bending flat in the blow of a storm.  I do love weather.  And palm trees.

Speaking of trees, last week I watched as one of our neighbors out back had the beautiful magnolia in his yard hacked down by tree murderers.  And it was in bloom!  I couldn't bear to watch. 

Something much more pleasant -- updates on grandchildren!  First day of school photos from September 2017:  Isabella is a freshman, age 15;

Evie is in the 5th grade, age 10;

Ruthanne is in 2nd grade, age 7, and Marcus is in Pre-K this year; he just turned 5.

Both Utah and Vermont gathered here in Florida with us in December for our first Christmas together ever!  It was lovely, so much fun.

Morning golf cart ride in Christmas jammies.

Since January, Jim has been to quite a few Classic Car shows with his old truck.  I like to go if it involves travel to shows in more rural Florida -- we avoid I-4 and I-75 and stick to back roads through south-central Florida -- it is countryside worlds (ha!) away from tourist-Florida, just pasture, farms, beautiful old trees and swampy rivers. Lots of cows and horses, hawks, osprey, herons and egrets.  I am on a quest to spot a Florida panther.

I notice I need to do a little housekeeping on my blog.  Some of those "favorites" on the sidebar no longer exist.    --cds

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