Thursday, October 18, 2012


Surely it can't have been September 26 since I last posted anything on my little Florida diary/blog.  If you are a homebody with hobbies, retirement is anything but boring.  There aren't enough hours in the day for me to accomplish everything I have rolling around in my head.  I've been sewing.  Snow White, living as she does in Vermont, needs a cape to keep her warm when she goes trick/or/treating on Halloween night.

I added some ribbon to tie it on and Miss White will be good to go.

I made a little baby quilt because I had a stash of some of those retro vintage pastel prints with little bunnies and kitties and duckies and I love this modified Irish Chain pattern so much.

 Still needs quilting and binding.

The animals were fused in place, then machine-appliqued and hand-embroidered a little.

Does this look like a sheep?  It's supposed to be.

I love the giraffe the best.

We buzzed up to Disney to check on the Fantasyland reconstruction.  For all my circus-horror, I'm beginning to like this setup as it is looking more and more like pages out of the old Dumbo storybook.  There are now two Dumbo rides and a little area of circus wagons that shoot out water-sprays - cute.  
Look, it's Ringmaster James!  Looking a bit cross, isn't he - doesn't know where I am at the moment.

And then we've had to rescue various creatures that wander into our yard - this turtle found its way to our garage door - probably wanted to have a cigar and thought he'd bum one from Jimbo.

Our spider friend still survives, in spite of my Mom's desire to "hose it down with ammonia" (she's brutal).
This is what I am heavily involved with, though, at the moment:
Aunti Claud and I have started a family genealogy blog covering the Alcotts, Carrolls, Burgits, basically my Mom's side.  We've collected a ton of pictures that we're trying to load up - so easy to share them this way.  And we're working on getting the genealogy correct.
The gathering below took place exactly 100 years ago in Northumberland, Pennsylvania.  My grandmother Ada is standing in the back second from left end with the big bow on her head; my great-grandmother Laura Carroll is seated second from right (next to the man holding the baby); my great-great-grandfather, Henry Coleman Burgit, is seated next to her - he was born in 1833.  I'm finding this all so fascinating, but the history major in me keeps sending me off on tangents trying to date and identify and pull in all the relevant historical data I can. 

Like I said, there just aren't enough hours in the day.  --cds

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