Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Rich Are Different. Thank God.

Just a quick rant about cable television programming.  I'm not one to put my nose in the air and haughtily sniff that I never watch TV.  Ours is on a lot - actually quite often we have two going at the same time (because dead cowboy shows make me crazy as does this very odd car-makeover show that always ends with the surprised owner bursting into tears over his newly renovated GTO or whatever).  Whatever.

Anyway, back to the subject of this particular rant.  I am often awake in the pre-dawn hours and if I want to snag an hour or two more of sleep I will head to the couch and turn on the tube with the sound off - instant snooze!  So, did you know, though, that on one of those home decorating channels there is a show called Million Dollar Homes, or Million Dollar Rooms, something like that?  It is so incredibly bad in every way.  I had to turn the sound up so I could try to figure it out.  The host is an idiot, but that's beside the point.  The Million Dollar Rooms were so hideously ugly I figured it had to be a joke.  It was garish gone wild, and this toothy goon-host gushed all over the owners, most of whom looked pretty garish themselves -- tucked, plumped, dyed and bedazzled.  Sad and captivating all at once.

Just another chapter for my forthcoming book, "There Oughtta Be A Law..."  --cds

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