Monday, May 24, 2010

Wine Club

In a local raffle, we won a gift certificate to a wine shop's Wine of The Month Club. It sounded interesting and new hobbies are fun, so we joined up for a while - here are the shop's picks for May.

I admit I am more interested in the dinner that goes with the wine than I am in the actual glass of vino, but I'm ready to learn. Way, way back in 1971 or 72 when the drinking age was 18 and I was at Champlain College, the Student Life administration (always attempting to raise our level of sophistication to prep us for life in the business world), held an Evening of Wine and Cheese Tasting in the residence houses. Each home featured a different wine and the idea, I assume, was for students to visit each, sample the wine and practice the art of cocktail hour conversation. It was a disaster. As I (vaguely) recall, bands of drunken students, fortified by cheap beer and Boone's Farm, stumbled from dorm to dorm wreaking havoc until the housemothers finally barred all doors. Cops may have been called.

Champlain College is a great school now, but I happened to be there during what must have been a huge transitional age for places like that. One of these days I will share my stories of secretary school. --cds

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